Relational Grace Podcast

Six Impediments to Personal Success: The Dilemma of Stinkin Thinkin - Learn how to be like Joshua and never surrender to the plague of stinking thinking.

Nick Harris with Ariel Ministries Episode 76

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In this episode Pastor Harris will be focusing on the third impediment, the one he identifies as stinking thinking. In America today, this stinking thinking is a plague. To illustrate how a stinking thinking can be overcome, he will appeal to one of the great men of the Old Testament, a man whose name was Joshua ben Nun, the central figure in the Old Testament book focusing upon him. According to the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Joshua, he was the assistant to the great man Moses and succeeded Moses as the leader of Israel after Moses died.

Joshua’s Hebrew name at birth was HOSHE’A, and he was from the tribe of Ephraim. It was Moses who named him Joshua according to Numbers 13:16. His name was shortened to YESHUA in Nehemiah 8:17. According to the Scriptures, he was born in Egypt prior to the Exodus.

Joshua was destined to become one of the twelve spies sent out by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. He was also charged by Moses to select and command a military group for Israel’s first battle following the Exodus. He ascended Mount Sinai with Moses when Moses received the Ten Commandments. And after the death of Moses, he replaced the great man and led the Israelites in the conquest of Canaan. He personally allotted the land to the various tribes. This is a man who would never surrender to stinking thinking, and Pastor Harris will use this man as his example for today’s Podcast message.

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