Relational Grace Podcast

Nehemiah (4 of 13) - Bringing Petition Before the King

Nick Harris with Ariel Ministries Episode 40

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We continue following along as Nehemiah approaches the only man in the world in that day that had the power to change the circumstances that existed in Jerusalem. It just so happens that Nehemiah was the cupbearer to that man, and that man was King Artaxerxes of Persia, who he had a close relationship with.  

Now as we recall from past episodes, Pastor Harris continues to share with us the types and shadows found in this story.  We have learned that Nehemiah represents the Holy Spirit, and not only that, we learn that he represents the strengthening ministry of the Holy Spirit.  In this message we will learn the role that King Artaxerxes plays in these types and shadows as Pastor Harris walks us through the intricacies of Nehemiah and his king.

We continue to mention Pastor Harris’s Circle Teachings; we also refer to these as “The Circles of Man”. Pastor Harris walks us through the battle the Apostle Paul faced with his Body, Soul and Spirit, which are the three primary Circles of Man.  Through this excerpt we learn about the challenges the Apostle Paul faced in building the protective walls of his soul.  Nehemiah faced the same challenge in the physical realm, which was to rebuild the protective walls of the city of his people, the city of Jerusalem.

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