Relational Grace Podcast
Sharing the teaching of Relational Grace through the lifelong ministry of Pastor Nick Harris who teaches that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Supplemental content at RelationalGraceBlog.com. Learn more at ArielMinistries.com.
148 episodes
#2 - Four Lies of Satan: Approval Addiction - “I must be approved by certain others to feel good about myself.”
Last week Pastor Harris started a series of sermons in which he will examine four of the major lies that Satan uses to destroy the lives of far too many people. We looked at the first of these lies in the last episode which is this, “I mu...
Episode 146

#1 - Four Lies of Satan: The Performance Snare - “I must meet certain standards of behavior so I can feel good about myself.”
To say 2025 hasn't kick off how I had hoped would be an understatement. No, I am not talking about politics or anything like that, who knows, maybe it is the tribulation Pastor Harris mentions in this teaching that is needed, time will tell. Bu...
Episode 145

#10 Esther - The Sweet Taste of Victory
In II Corinth 2:14 there is a verse that speaks directly to our Pastor’s present series of sermons. It reads as follows:“Thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumph and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of H...
Episode 144

#9 Esther - Change Radical Change
As we saw last Sunday, the cry of Esther as she appeared before the Emperor for the second time was similar to the cry of the apostle Paul in Romans 7. "Oh, wretched man that I am…” She cried, “Oh wretched woman that I am.” Then she added somet...
Episode 143

#8 Esther - Sowing and Reaping
We have traced the events which have led up to a climactic point for Emperor Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, Mordecai, and Haman to the point where the Emperor's eyes had at last been opened. He could now clearly see the true nature of Haman, and the ...
Episode 142

#7 Esther - Hamen's Last Supper
We humans frequently manifest a strange urge for timelessness; we possess an instinctive need to be remembered after we are gone. The idea that we will be forgotten is a pain we can hardly sustain. Yet, in all of human history ther...
Episode 141

#6 Esther - The Prince of Survival
The book of Esther is known as one of two books in the Bible that does not contain the name of God. It seems strange that a biblical book should never mention God; so what is the book about? Well as we have seen, it is really a story of palace ...
Episode 140

#5 Esther - Soul and Spirit
The story of Esther is a story of the Emperor of ancient Persia, who married a beautiful Jewish girl named Esther who had been raised by her cousin, Mordecai. The latter two persons were captives, taken from the city of Jerusalem and brought ov...
Episode 139

#4 Esther - Good Grief
At his current place in the=is series of sermons from the story of Esther, our pastor has now introduced to us an Emperor called Ahasuerus. He was the grandfather of Cyrus the Great. This Emperor had married a young Jewish girl named Esther, a ...
Episode 138

#3 Esther - The Struggle for Power
In this series of sermons, our Pastor has introduced us to four characters that play a role in the book of Esther. The first was Emperor Ahasuerus of Persia. He was a young man of about eighteen years of age when the events recorded in the book...
Episode 137

#2 Esther - The God Who Hunts for Us
Last week, our Pastor began a new series of sermons taken from the book of Esther. In his introductory sermon, he introduced us to three persons, the first being the emperor of Persia, AHASUERUS. Our Pastor suggested that this man represents ea...
Episode 136

#1 Esther - A Pair of Queens
We are beginning the book of Esther, which may be the most neglected book in the entire Bible. You see, very few people have ever attempted a sermon series on it or even a few single sermons from this book because the truth is very few people e...
Episode 135

#21 The Saga of David: David Burying Enemies
In the last episode we were in 2 Samuel 20, now we are in 2 Samuel 21 and something interesting happens. We get a rather large time flashback. In fact the events we discuss in this episode may have occurred more than 30 years before chapt...
Episode 134

#20 The Saga of David: David and Joab
At the end of the last episode we saw that the war was over and Absolom was dead. Remember that before the battle, David was willing and wanting to risk his life and lead his troops into battle. He wanted to do this for two reasons, first off, ...
Episode 133

#19 The Saga of David: A Father's Love
David as we find him this episode is nearing the Jordan River, nearing the east of Jerricho. Absalom, his son, has taken Jerusalem and has begun to occupy the famed cedar palace. Phase one of Absalom’s grand scheme is complete and he is a...
Episode 132

#18 The Saga of David: The Poison of an Unforgiving Spirit
Last episode Pastor Harris taught about Absalom, the son of David and his planned assault on the city of Jerusalem. He planned to surround the city, take it, and kill his father David and ascend to the throne of Jerusalem. David had two options...
Episode 131

#17 The Saga of David: David's Son's Revolt
Welcome to the Relational Grace Podcast where we share the teachings of Pastor Nick Harris who taught us that Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship. I’m your host Jamie Russell, Pastor Harris’s son.Last episode Pastor Harri...
Episode 130

#16 The Saga of David: The Price of Bread in Secret
Remember back to the last episode, David was confronted by Nathan about his sin with Bathsheba and Nathan had some stunning words to say on God‘s behalf to David. We can only think that these works played on David’s mind again and again. David ...
Episode 129

#15 The Saga of David: Light and Life
Last episode we discussed King David committing adultery with the wife of one of his main commanders in his army Uriah the Hittite. To make matters worse she became pregnant and David attempted to cover this up. However David’s plans of a cover...
Episode 128

#14 The Saga of David: Dealing with Midlife Crisis
In this teaching Pastor Harris will deal with the topic of midlife crisis. He covers this through discussing three weaknesses of David Ben Jesse. In the first place, David could never control his desire for women. Secondly, Da...
Episode 127

#13 The Saga of David: The Lame Prince
Once the issues surrounding building the temple in Jerusalem and who would build it were resolved, David decided to deal decisively with the Philistines. Bringing the war into the Philistine homeland for the first time and after several battles...
Episode 126

#12 The Saga of David: Nathan's Prophecies
In this episode Pastor Harris reminds us about the prophesies of Nathan and provides a lot of back knowledge leading into this topic. More specifically Pastor Harris reminds us that God sent the prophet Nathan to David with certain instru...
Episode 125

#11 The Saga of David: The Most Toxic Marriage
In this teaching we will learn more about Saul and David. Saul had two daughters, Miram and Michael (we call her Michael instead of MiChal). At the time, Israel had a problem with the philistines. They did not like Isreal or the Jewish pe...
Episode 124

#10 The Saga of David: Bringing the Ark to Jerusalem
Last episode we discussed David’s plan for spiritual renewal for the nation of Israel. It was a fairly simple plan. He was going to introduce a worship revolution. It was going to be something the Hebrew religion and the world at large ha...
Episode 123

#9 The Saga of David: David and the Ark of God
Following the exodus when Israel had come into the land of Canan the priests brought the Tabernacle to the town of Shiloh. The Tabernacle would remain here for 200 years. In time, there was a battle with the Philistines over a Hebre...
Episode 122