Relational Grace Podcast
Relational Grace Podcast
#1 - Four Lies of Satan: The Performance Snare - “I must meet certain standards of behavior so I can feel good about myself.”
To say 2025 hasn't kick off how I had hoped would be an understatement. No, I am not talking about politics or anything like that, who knows, maybe it is the tribulation Pastor Harris mentions in this teaching that is needed, time will tell. But spoiler alert… here shortly you will here Pastor Harris mention how tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance produces character, and amazingly enough, character produces hope. All the sudden, I am starting to think that maybe a little tribulation is just what I needed to kick off 2025. Who is going to turn down a little hope? Better yet, a lot of hope!
I feel like I say it all the time in these intros, I continue to be fascinated how these teachings remain so relevant. Once again, Pastor Harris's teaching in this episode really hit me right where and when it needed to. As dad used to say, “He read my mail.” Well my mail really got read here. I sure hope this teaching hits those of you listening right when it needs to just like it did me, and it is my family's prayer that it continues to do so for years to come!
I am excited about this brief little series. Although little and brief, I know it's going to pack quite a punch. I believe it can be life changing for those that need it. In this episode we kick off a four part series where in each teaching Pastor Harris will share one of four lies that Satan sews in our lives. I can relate to all of these and I am sure many of you will as well.