Relational Grace Podcast
Relational Grace Podcast
#8 Esther - Sowing and Reaping
We have traced the events which have led up to a climactic point for Emperor Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, Mordecai, and Haman to the point where the Emperor's eyes had at last been opened. He could now clearly see the true nature of Haman, and the deception which he sought to perpetrate. The king knew that his enemy was the person he once thought to be his closest friend.
Of course, Ahasuerus struggled mightily with what he should do, but he eventually decided to treat Haman exactly as he deserved to be treated. He decided to hang Haman upon the very stake that Haman had erected for Mordecai earlier.
Recognizing the true nature of Haman was the first step of the Emperor in freeing his Empire from the very thing that threatened its ultimate destruction. As Pastor will point out this morning, this has always been the first step in achieving victory our Haman; our fleshly natures. It begins at the moment we stop justifying and excusing our faults and failures; the moment we stop shutting my eyes to these faults and failures; the moment we stop passing our faults and failures off as being something else, and resolve to hang them on the tree where God put all of our sins, past, present, and future when Jesus Christ died.
That is the beginning of living in victory in all our lives. This will be our Pastor’s theme for today. We will examine Esther 8, where we will trace the steps that follow any decision we make to crucify our flesh. The sermon will open by reviewing the transfer of power when Haman was crucified, and the new authority structure that would be put in place.