Relational Grace Podcast

#3 - Four Lies of Satan: The Blame Game - “I am not responsible for what I do, someone else is.”

Nick Harris with Ariel Ministries Episode 147

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In the first two episodes of this series, Pastor Harris touched on one key topic in each teaching. In episode one, “The Performance Snare”, Pastor Harris discussed the topic of Justification and that we are completely forgiven and have become fully pleasing to God.  We no longer have to fear failure.  In the second episode, “Approval Addiction”, Pastor Harris touched on the topic of Reconciliation and that we are totally accepted by God and we no longer have to fear rejection.

In this episode Pastor Harris will walk us through the third or four lies that Satan tells us. This third lie can even be seen as a game we play.  Pastor Harris refers to this as “The Blame Game”. When playing this Blame Game we may tell ourselves lies like this, “I am not responsible for what I do, someone else is.”  Has anyone out there listening ever played this game?  Hopefully Pastor Harris’s insights can shed some light on this game we play and how we might win, lose or simply choose not to play as we all work to move forward.

Now before we kick off this teaching, I wanted to give those listening a heads up that about 12 minutes into this original recording, something altered the recording speeds which in-turn altered Pastor Harris’ voice a touch.  Fear not, it's not your device, the issue has to do with the original recording from 10 years ago. It’s a small issue but we can’t let these small issues get in the way of publishing these important teachings.

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