Relational Grace Podcast
Relational Grace Podcast
#9 Esther - Change Radical Change
As we saw last Sunday, the cry of Esther as she appeared before the Emperor for the second time was similar to the cry of the apostle Paul in Romans 7. "Oh, wretched man that I am…” She cried, “Oh wretched woman that I am.” Then she added something like this: “Who will deliver me and my people from this law of sin and death that has been uttered in the Emperor's name and cannot be revoked?"
But the king was helpless! He could only reply to her request by saying, "I can do nothing. The matter is in your hands and Mordecai's. What has been written by the king's hand and sealed by the king's seal cannot be revoked."
We saw something similar last week in Galatians 6:8. It reads as follows:
"He that sows to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption…"
This is an inevitable and irrevocable law. We saw that there is no way to escape the results of decisions made under the rule of self. They bear unavoidable consequences. Paul writes this in Galatians 6:7:
"Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth he shall also reap. If you sow to the flesh, you shall of the flesh reap corruption.”
We all know the tragic harvest of it in terms of habits that cannot be broken and circumstances that cannot be avoided. So, what can be done? Our Pastor will provide the answer in today’s sermon. It requires a new law one that supersedes the old law.