Relational Grace Podcast
Relational Grace Podcast
#4 - Four Lies of Satan: Inferiority Complex - “I am what I am, and I cannot change.”
In the first three episodes of this series, Pastor Harris touched on one key topic in each teaching. In episode one, “The Performance Snare”, Pastor Harris discussed the topic of Justification and that we are completely forgiven and have become fully pleasing to God. We no longer have to fear failure. In the second episode, “Approval Addiction”, Pastor Harris touched on the topic of Reconciliation and that we are totally accepted by God and we no longer have to fear rejection. In the third episode, “The Blame Game”, Pastor Harris delivered a message of Propitiation and that we know we are deeply loved by God and no longer have to fear punishment nor do we have to punish others.
Jericho was in the Roman province of Judea, the very wealthy lived here including King Herrod and he stayed there five months out of the year so it had to be pretty nice. In and around Jericho there were other palaces as well. The reason it was so popular had to do with the weather and its geographical location. It’s situated some 833 feet below sea level in what is now known as the Jordan River Valley. It’s the site of the world's largest oasis supported by the world's largest natural spring.
In addition, its climate is ideal, it is virtually summer time all year round. Date palms can be found everywhere and citrus fruits of all varieties abound. The fences and the trellises are covered by flowers. The city was and is a tropical paradise. This is true even today, and was also true in the time of Jesus. Even the great Egyptian Queen Cleopatra vacationed there in the winter.
However, not only was Jericho very beautiful, it was also very prosperous. Some of this had to do with the tourism the city had attracted. Yet that was only a small part of it. The vast majority of its wealth had to do with a great highway that passed through the city. The great trading caravans of antiquity made their journey there from India and Arabia. Crossing into the lands of Judea at the forge of the Jordan River located three miles east of Jericho.
Here in this city, the great caravans would stop and resupply and remit their border tolls making it the tax center of Judea. The tax collectors and publicans of Jericho were very wealthy but paid a huge price for their wealth.. They were hated by everyone in their country and they should have been hated. For the most part they were all dishonest and crooked, it is not hard to imagine that these tax collectors had a real image problem. Many of them wanted to change but they had believed the fourth great lie that Pastor Harris will talk about in this episode, and that is this, “I am what I am and I cannot change.”