Relational Grace Podcast
Sharing the teaching of Relational Grace through the lifelong ministry of Pastor Nick Harris who teaches that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Supplemental content at RelationalGraceBlog.com. Learn more at ArielMinistries.com.
Relational Grace Podcast
#9 Spiritual Gifts: The Manifestation Gifts of Knowledge and Wisdom
Nick Harris with Ariel Ministries
Episode 96
In this episode of our teaching series on the Spiritual Gifts, we will continue to dive into the final category of gifts that Pastor Harris refers to as the Manifestation Gifts. The first category consists of the seven motivational gifts, the second category consists of the eleven equipping gifts, also called ministry gifts. There are a total of nine Manifestation Gifts and in this teaching Pastor Harris will touch on two of these gifts. One being the Manifestation Gift of the Word of Knowledge and the other being the Manifestation Gift of the Word of Wisdom.